Used Heil Trailer For Sale in Dallas, TX, Unit #499387

2006 Heil Trailer

796,990 miles $35,000 USD 

1 / 12

2006 Heil

796,990 miles
$35,000  USD

Unit #499387

Tank Trailer

Dallas, TX

Condition: Level 2


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M-F 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ET

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Sales Comments


Vehicle Specifications

Vehicle TypeTank Trailer
LocationDallas, TX 75241, US
Unit #499387
VIN Number5HTSN412167T11935
Collision WarningNo
Collision Model
Backup CameraNo
No. of Drive Axles2
Front Axle Cap.0
Rear Axle Cap.46000
Tire Size11R22.5
Load Length45'0"
Lift GateNo
Lift Gate Model
Lift Gate Capacity0
Rear Door
Side Door
Floor Type
Roof Type

Contact Penske to verify information such as photos, location, and spec details as they are subject to change. Mileage is recorded at time of listing and is subject to change. Fees including taxes are not included in the listed price. Vehicles purchased from Penske must be used for commercial purposes only.

Sales Department

Contact Penske at 1-866-309-1962 to learn more about this vehicle and how to purchase a Penske Used Truck.

Finance Your Penske Used Truck with Premier Financing

Finance Your Penske Used Truck with Premier Financing

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Premier Financing specializes in commercial truck financing and works with the most competitive lenders in the commercial market to find you a great rate.

Premier Financing will suggest the best terms to get you in the right vehicle and can help with more services, like gap protection, roadside services and insurance, all of which can be rolled into your financing costs.

How To Finance Your Purchase

  • Call 1-866-309-1962 to speak to a Penske sales associate who will help you select a truck that meets your needs.
  • Complete your application for financing online at the Premier Financing website.
  • Provide your approved financing to your Penske representative to finish the transaction.
  • Take delivery of your vehicle.


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Equipment Protection Plans from National Truck Protection

Protect your investment with an equipment protection plan from National Truck Protection (NTP), the trucking industry's leading independent provider of protection plans in North America.

NTP offers Penske customers multiple extended protection plan options for their vehicles. Equipment protection plans cover components for factory defects in material and workmanship. Plus, new coverages on aftertreatment parts.

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